Many thanks to all who attended our meeting on air pollution in Southall on Wednesday. We hope that you found the evening worthwhile.
It was good to see such a lot of interest in the issue of air pollution, and to hear people’s ideas on what might be done to make things better.
In due course we’ll be putting notes of the discussions on our website, , where you can also find information about our regular group meetings and other activities, past and future.

We hope there will be further opportunities to share ideas, and if you have any more thoughts do please let us know.
Meanwhile please find below some information on how to check air pollution levels and plan the least polluted route when walking or cycling, and details of a BBC documentary “Fighting for Air” which is available on iPlayer until 9 February.
Finally, IRATE’s petition against emissions from FM Conway’s asphalt plant in Hayes, which was mentioned at the meeting, is ongoing. If you’d like to sign, the petition is here:
IRATE petition Hillingdon. IRATE's own website is here:
Thanks again from all at Ealing Friends of the Earth.
Check Local Pollution Levels
See how polluted your postcode is right now with this Live Air Quality Data: This map shows pollution levels in detail across London. As you zoom into the map you will see which areas are currently experiencing higher pollution levels than others, usually those areas close to busy roads.
The BBC also provide a “How polluted is your street” website where you can enter a postcode:
Plan the Least Polluted Route
You can plan the least polluted walking, cycling or public transport route, using this new public health website where people can plot low pollution routes to work. It has been created by air quality experts at King’s College London:
Documentary – How a Birmingham Suburb Reduced Pollution for a Day
Well worth watching is this BBC2 documentary, available on iPlayer until Friday 9th February. Dr Xand van Tulleken helps local residents in a suburb of Birmingham to try and bring about a quantifiable improvement in air quality for a single day, on the high street and in front of a nearby school. "Fighting for Air"